
How to uninstall AVG instantly?

    AVG Antivirus is regarded as one of the great free antivirus program on the market right now. However, there are times when it must be uninstalled from the computer with different reasons: changing to other antivirus programs or it is expired. But no matter which reason for needing to uninstall AVG, I think you are in the right place here.

Normal way to uninstall AVG

 No matter in deleting which programs, you can try the Add/Remove Programs feature. And the first thing you should try is to locate AVG in the Add/Remove Control Panel and try to remove it from there by simply performing these tips:

1) Click on Start, and then Control Panel

2) Open Add/Remove Programs (XP) or Programs & Features (Win 7 and Vista)

3) Find AVG in the Programs list and highlight it

4) Click Remove and follow the prompts to uninstall AVG Free from your computer.

Note: When using the above AVG removal tips, some related registry entries will remain in windows registry. So I think it is better that you can clean up windows registry with neither a free or paid registry cleaning tool. However, if you encounter problems with uninstalling AVG or when it is not listing in the Add/Remove Programs list, turn to the recommended method below.

Recommended method to uninstall AVG

The best way to uninstall AVG is to download and run a professional AVG uninstall tool as such kind of products helps to greatly detect and remove all entries of the products from the computer. And Perfect Uninstaller is one that will do the job perfectly for you. To uninstall AVG completely, perform the below steps:

1. Download and install Perfect Uninstaller on your computer.

2. Locate & highlight the McAfee products and select “Uninstall” to begin the McAfee removal process.


3. Click “Next” to proceed when the below steps appear.


4. Perfect Uninstaller is scanning all related AVG entries on your computer and then click “Next”.



5. Click “Yes” to uninstall AVG from your computer.



So as you can see that, with a professional AVG uninstall tool, you can quickly remove all entries of AVG both from your drive and your Windows registry. So do remember to give it a try when trying to uninstall McAfee, or uninstall Antivirus 7, uninstall ActiveX Control, uninstall Punkbuster and so on. And so on from your computer.


